
"I love creating pictures about everyday moments, a meditative yoga pose, a girl choosing flowers in a marketplace, a tree swaying in the mistral. I try to capture these scenes with an economy of line and rich use of colour to create simplicity and visual drama. There is something special about making transitory scenes eternal through art."

Meet the Artist

From a young age I remember artwork being a freeing and inspiring activity through which I could escape the more practical and test-orientated nature of early schooling. My imagination was a place where I could dream and invent stories and pictures. I was also dyslexic so imagery quickly became my favoured language.

Later when I attended art college, I learnt to combine a keen observation of the world with imagination. I loved working from the life model and completed eight years of study with the human figure at the centre of my interest. So strong was my belief in the importance of drawing as a basis for creativity that I created a nationwide programme for young people in association with The Royal Academy of Arts around this subject. I then went on to devise a parallel creativity programme for international businesses.

Today my original Fine Art Prints are informed by those years of study and teaching, and I feel completely free to experiment with imagery and colour, knowing that I have a visual awareness that will always guide me, however much I push the boundaries of my art.

Apart from figurative subjects, I love capturing the atmosphere of beautiful cities so that my collectors can be reminded of their own experiences of places. For the last few years, I have built up collections discovering the magic of Paris and Venice and I have started a collection of Bruges in Belgium.

I am very aware of my European artistic heritage, particularly the work of French artists Claude Monet, Paul Cezanne, Toulouse-Laurec, Henri Matisse and Raoul Dufy, as well as the early Italian artists Duccio and Piero della Francesca.

About the Prints

My Fine Art prints are conceived as original editions carefully crafted for the print medium. Some of my pictures have been created as Open Editions and some as Limited Editions with a maximum of 15 copies in each format, small, medium or large. Each Limited Edition print is numbered and no more can be printed after all the editions are sold. This gives these images a different value to Open Editions which is why the prices are higher.

My artwork is printed by top quality Fine Art Printers in London for UK clients and in Antwerp for European clients, and I have a close creative relationship with my printers to ensure the finest colours and density of image. They are what is known as 'Giclee' prints, a French term meaning 'to spray'. Small very precise spraying devices are highly tuned to match colour richness and inks are pigment based. Each image is printed on luxury 330 gsm archival paper to ensure quality and longevity, and comes with a white space border all around to allow for framing.

Please note that the prints are sold unframed.